The Strange Thing About Jonathan Strange...

The picture on the left is of Susanna Clarke, author of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and is from the American edition of the book. The picture on the right is also of Susanna Clarke, author of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and is from the British edition. I don't know what, if anything, this says about America and Americans, or indeed the British, but I'm sure it says something.
The British edition of the book is a good inch thicker than its cousin, although the page count is the same, and the exact same text appears on all pages. We have dubbed this puzzling phenomena "fat pages". The British edition was also cheaper than the US edition, even taking shipping into account, and is blissfully devoid of the inane and all-too-common "A Novel" subtitle on the cover.
Oh, and it's quite a good read too...
Spooky! I've just finished reading "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" myself (as in, yesterday!).
ReplyDeleteI was very impressed with the book on just about every count, and am sort of hoping for a sequel at some point, although to be honest the story came to a fairly natural end, really.