Thursday, February 06, 2020

Finished Sympathy

After my post about computer rpgs I have not completed, Jensan suggested I talk about the games I have managed to finish. There aren't many.

Update: I finished Baldur's Gate on the 8th of June, but it launched straight into Siege of Dragonspear so now I have to complete that.

Update: I finished Siege of Dragonspear on the 16th of June 2020. It's not very good.

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) Mission AccomplishedBaldur's Gate II - I played this in 2001 or thereabouts and it remains one of my favourite gaming experiences. I adore this game. I never got around to the Throne of Bhaal expansion, although I do own it; once I've finished the first game in the series, I'll replay BGII and then finish the story.

Update: Battle Chasers: Nightwar finished 3rd of January 2025.

Update: I completed Chrono Trigger on the 19th of July 2020. I should probably do the New Game+ at some point, but I'll leave it for now.

Update: I completed Cosmic Star Heroine on the 20th of August 2023.

Update: I finished one playthrough of Dark Souls on the 22nd of January 2023. It only took eight years.

Dragon Age: Origins - I wanted to play this from the moment it was announced but it took years for me to get a copy. When I did play it what struck me most was how it wasn't much of an improvement over Neverwinter Nights; if anything it seemed like a step backwards. I didn't bother with the expansions or sequels.

Final Fantasy VII - Japanese computer rpgs were not easy to get in the UK when I was growing up. We got even fewer of the Square and Enix games than the US did, although we did get Terranigma and they didn't for some reason. As such, Final Fantasy VII was the first of that venerable series that I played, and I played it to death. I got all of the playable characters up to Level 99, broke the in-game clock, and even then didn't see everything in the game, but I did finish it.

Final Fantasy XII - As a story, this entry in the franchise is rubbish, and even seems to give up on itself by the end, but as a game it's one of the best rpgs I've played. It feels a bit like an online multiplayer rpg but with better, less random, content and no griefing from eleven year olds in Alabama.

Final Fantasy XV - I wrote about my thoughts here. but that was before I finished the game. I wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it by the end. The combat remained rubbish and if anything got even worse with the acquisition of an item that killed anything -- even optional megabosses -- with literally one button press.

Update: Golden Sun: The Lost Age completed 11th July 2024. It only took 21 years. 84 hours played.

Liberation: Captive 2 - Technically, I didn't finish this as it had about four thousand missions, but they were all variations of the first level and I completed the first five or so missions multiple times as a result of save game corruption, so I'm counting it.

Neverwinter Nights - It's good fun, but it's no Baldur's Gate II. Perhaps the best thing about it was all the community content; I downloaded and played loads of homebrew campaigns, some better than the original game.

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - A beautiful game, but an odd one. It's sort of like a Square Enix rpg crossed with a thinly-veiled Pokemon ripoff, and it seems aimed at beginners, but it's packed full of hidden and optional stuff that you have to work to uncover, and I can't imagine many newcomers doing that.

Update: I completed Phantasy Star on the 22nd of January 2022, the year of the game's 35th anniversary!

Planescape: Torment - It is just as good as its reputation suggests.

Skyrim - It is nowhere near as good as its reputation suggests.

Update: I completed The Witcher 3, plus expansions, on the 5th of May 2024.

There is a third list -- rpgs that I have bought but not played -- but we're not going to get into that right now, because it's embarrassing.


  1. I've never played Liberation, but watching that Youtube clip makes me think it's about 1) keycards, 2) furniture.

    1. In hindsight, it wasn't the best video to show off the game!

    2. "IKEA Mall Cop: The Video Game"

    3. I played Liberation again a few weeks ago and... yeah, that video is quite accurate. It's an ambitious game, but actual play is all about collecting keycards and bumping into sofas.

  2. Skyrim is the only one of those I've played, you might recall from my review I was distinctly unimpressed. I remember my college roomie playing Neverwinter Nights some, but maybe it was mostly modded stuff other people created.

    I've finished a few RPGs, mostly on the PS2 like DragonQuest 8 or Wild Arms 3. My two favorites are probably Persona 3 and tales of Vesperia. I enjoyed the social link stuff in Persona 3, and Tales of Vesperia had ways to not make level grinding feel like level grinding, which was nice.

    1. I remain baffled, to this day, at the popularity of Skyrim. There is something compelling about it -- I played it through one and a half times -- but I would struggle to say that it's good.

      I have never played a DragonQuest; I have IX on the DS but I wanted to finish another game before I started on it. That plan hasn't gone well.

      I have Persona 3 and I've watched other people play it but I've not played it myself, so I decided not to include it on my lists.

      I haven't played anything in the Tales... or Wild Arms series, and now I sort of want to, and that's probably not good news.

  3. Dark Souls completed today!

  4. The Witcher 3 -- plus expansions -- finished today!

  5. Golden Sun: The Lost Age completed today!

  6. Started playing Baldur’s Gate 1 earlier this year as a protest against modern technology (ie. I can’t run BG3 on my laptop…). It’s refreshing to manually keep track of all side quests in a text document!

    (I think we should keep this comment section going for all eternity!)

    1. I support that plan!

      BG1 is great fun. Enjoy!

  7. Battle Chasers finished 3rd of January 2025!
