Saturday, December 04, 2021

Mince Pie Fest 2021: Waitrose

More Pies For Poshos™ except these are for slightly less posh poshos than yesterday's posh pies.

Alas, the contempt for the slightly less affluent Waitrose customer is evident in the pastry, which is crispy (ugh) and has a strong, bilious taste.

The generous filling has a good flavour; fruity and saucy and tasty, although there's no hint of alcohol, which, to be fair, may be a selling point for some. As nice as the filling is, the sickly crust overpowers it and leaves a nasty aftertaste. 2 out of 5.

#MincePieADay #MincePieFest2021 #mincetagram


  1. I was going to theorize that elaborate designs on the crust mess it up, make it too thick or something, but then I remembered the COOP pies you gave a 5 out of 5 had designs on the crust, too. So i guess it's back to the old drawing board.

    1. If I knew the secret, I could TAKE OVER THE WORLD.

