Friday, March 22, 2024

Mistaken Identity, Yes?

It's #DrawDeathsHeadDay the most freelance peacekeeping day of the year!

This year, as well as wishing Simon Furman a happy birthday, I must also apologise to Gene Colan for my artistic theft. Sorry, Gene.

(If it helps, I re-drew the entire cover, when a more sensible person would have just photoshopped Death's Head in. I have never been sensible.)


  1. That's really good work. I didn't even know there was an earlier character going by "Death's Head." Guy seems more like a "Phantom Rider", anyway.

    1. Thank you!

      There is a vague Phantom Rider connection, sort of. Death-Stalker impersonated this earlier Death's Head at one stage, and that brings him into conflict with Ghost Rider, who of course stole Phantom Rider's name.
