Saturday, July 08, 2023

I've Seen That Bethor

Thor: Ragnarok (2017):

No, in fact this is from Paul Pope's 2013 graphic novel Battling Boy. There's a clear Thor influence in this part of the comic, so perhaps there's an ur-example that Pope and Taika Waititi are both referencing, but the similarities with the opening sequence of the best Thor film are striking.

(Battling Boy is quite good, by the way, but alas it finishes just as it's getting going and there was never a proper second volume.)


  1. it seems pope has finished the second volume and we should expect more news in september. also there are very good aurora west comics written by pope but alas not illustrated by him (although they are very good just not pope)

    1. I didn't enjoy the Aurora West comics, and I think I may have given mine away, but that's encouraging news about the second volume of Battling Boy proper. I shall keep an eye out for it!

  2. fun fact the city of gods is actually inspired by samovar. battling boy insta account has a lot of inspirational images
