Friday, July 05, 2024

And Relax

I am relieved, but I am not enthused. We've had 14 years of incompetence, cruelty, and corruption from the Tories, and Labour should be better than that, but Labour's official party stance on the EU, immigration, Gaza, unions, and trans rights gives me considerable pause.

Worse, the rise of R*form as a political force, while fatal for the Tories, is terrifying. I hoped that the British weren't that sort of people, but apparently about four million of them are.

I have muted hopes and low expectations, but it could -- and has for 14 long years -- be worse. Fingers crossed for better.


  1. This British news actually gave me a little surge of hope over here. I would like to think it's a bit of a transcontinental omen (like Brexit was).

    "I hoped that the British weren't that sort of people, but apparently about four million of them are."

    I hate to say it, but my guess is those voices are only going to get louder. It became a whole new environment over here once people realized they could be openly hateful and get away with it (or succeed because of it). I'll bet that you'll actually end up with some extra respect for those you disagree with but who refuse to get caught up in the angry wave. That's what's happened for me, anyway.

    1. So I'm up a little early today, thinking about politics and their connections from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and I realized I should have written "intercontinental" instead of "transcontinental." apologies. I bet I sound a lot smarter now.

    2. You're assuming I noticed! ;)

    3. My hope is that the four million is the peak. We've had that, as you say, "permissive" environment for a while over here and I think the rise of R*form is a result of that, rather than a cause for more.

      I hope.
