The wizard-kings of the Dead City foresaw the End and found a way out. It will surprise no one at all that this plan went wrong, and ZAP! that's how you end up with a city full of intelligent skeleton people. These skeleton people are known as Bones.
The Dead City is somewhere far away on the left side of the world map and most Bones have either been away for so long that they have forgotten where it is, or have no desire to return.

If using races, treat Bones as human. Bones can be of any class or profession.
Bones do not need to breathe, drink, eat, or sleep -- although can mimic those actions -- and are immune to disease and poison. Bones age, but suffer no ill effects and can live forever if careful.
Bones do not heal, and healing magic -- if used in your campaign -- harms them by the same amount it would heal a living creature. Reversed healing spells may heal Bones, at the GM's discretion.
Specialist artisans, sometimes called bonesmiths, are able to repair damage to Bones, including age-related deterioration.
If your campaign includes the turning of undead, this works against Bones, but as their life force is stronger than most undead creatures, they are never destroyed by turning, but flee instead.
Some Bones remember the End and the rituals that changed them into their current forms, and have been scarred by these memories. A Bone player can choose to roll on the following table to generate a psychological issue relating to those memories.
- "I survived, so I must be special."
- "My grasp on life is fragile and everything is dangerous!"
- "I survived death itself; I am invincible!"
- "I do not deserve to live when so many others did not."
- "I did not survive; this is some sort of hell."
- "The wizard-kings caused all of this. No magic can be trusted."
- "Every living thing must be made like me before another End occurs."
- "What do you mean I look like a skeleton? How absurd!"
- "I can return things to how they were. All I need is..."
- "One day I woke up like this. I remember nothing before."
- "Life is meaningless. All life. Including yours."
- "All life is precious and must be preserved."
Update (24/07/2020): Bones cannot speak, at least not as they once did. Some have developed a complicated language of clicks and clacks; 1 in 10 dwellers of the wastes understand this language. Others make do with sign language, which is understood by 4 in 10 characters.
Looking forward to more of these! & More random tables!