Thursday, August 01, 2024

Fight Ongoing

After what seems like ages* Fight On! magazine returns with issue #15!

I've got a couple of pictures in there, plus a comic strip with Jonathan Linneman. Fight On! is where I started in rpg art and writing, so it's good to see it return. Let's hope #16 isn't too far away.

You can get Fight On! #15 in pdf here and print here.

*(That's because it has been ages! I think #14 came out in 2014!)


  1. Love your art in it Kelvin!
    Page 82 and 91 have great illustrations!

    1. Thank you, that's very kind!

    2. I was accidentally anonymous!
      But seriously - those pictures are great.
      i have always wanted to make a roguelike where the main guy is a wizard with a golf bag full of wands
