Sunday, July 28, 2024


So Robert Downey Jr has returned to Marvel to play... Doctor Doom.

Huh. I didn't expect that.

It's an interesting choice, and I'm intrigued to see how it's done. Evil Multiverse Tony Stark is probably the most obvious and least inspiring approach, but we'll see.

If I'm honest, I don't really care who's cast in the role, as long as they don't squader the character. Doom has far too much potential to waste as an end-of-film boss. He can be an intellectual rival and/or annoying estranged "uncle" for the Fantastic Four. He can operate on a political level alongside Wakanda. He can even be a national hero in Captain America stories. I've always enjoyed the weird interactions he's had with Spider-Man in the comics, and wouldn't mind seeing something like that on screen; imagine Peter Parker getting an internship at the New York branch of DoomLabs for example.

I'm a little concerned that RDJ is stunt casting and that he's only going to be around for one or two stories, when there's so much you can do, and so many stories you can tell, with Doom, and not just as an antagonist. Doom is a complex, ambiguous sort-of-villain, like Loki or Magneto, but with even more potential. I hope to see that reflected on screen.


  1. Not being the habit of perusing sites that announce this kind of stuff, I had to take a moment to decide whether you were putting me on.

    Having accepted this is the real deal, I hope Downey isn't just "Iron Man, but evil." Doom doesn't try to act cool, he's beyond such petty concerns. Big and dramatic, but I guess in an old money way (or maybe just more European way). Slow walk with a billowing cape, rather than roaring in on boot jets with AC/DC blasting.

    1. Exactly. I'm hoping we never see Doom without his mask, and that'll force a different sort of performance from RDJ.

      Evil Tony Stark would be the most boring option of them all, and I hope they aren't stupid enough to do that.

    2. Yeah, with the big announcement, they shouldn't need to show his face during the movie, unless it's some flashback to college years with Reed (or maybe his past when he and his parents were hounded by the Latverian armies, but I doubt they'll keep Doom's Roma backstory.)

      Like you said, leave the face covered, make Downey sell it with his voice and his body language.
