Saturday, November 11, 2023

Mince Pie Fest 2023: Asda Yummy


These minceys feel tiny! They are about a centimetre smaller than the Sainsbos pies, and yes, readers, I checked.

The pastry has a nice firm texture but there's a hint of saltiness that turns me off; the inexplicable popularity of salted caramel (yuck) suggests I'm an outlier there. On the other hand, the filling is lovely, packed full of flavour and zing. It's light on spice and has zero booze, but the fruity flavours work well without either.

The size of these pies feels a bit miserly, but otherwise these are good. 3.5 out of 5, but if size doesn't matter to you (fnar), you could bump that to 4.

#MincePieADay #MincePieFest2023


  1. What _is_ the ideal pie size? One munch? Two? I prefer them to last but not overstay their welcome!

    1. Well bear in mind I have quite a large mouth, but I can fit an entire one of these pies in, and that feels too small! At least two bites makes a good pie, I think.
