Friday, May 03, 2024

Warty Thou

I may have a problem.

This doesn't even include the two copies I own of the best edition -- second, obviously -- nor the army books.

(In my defence I only have two army books for each edition. Sort of. Ish.)

There is a plan behind all this, it's not just nonsensical collecting; although it is that too. Stuart and I plan to play at least one game in each edition, for fits and shiggles.


  1. I hope you'll share your results and impressions! There's some irony to me in seeing you post this, as I've come to a certain realization in my gaming life and have been planning to start a series of posts called "If I Had 1,000,000 Lifetimes..." 40k is way up at the top of that list of IPs.

    1. Heh, well, we've been trying to get this project going for a while already so don't hold your breath, but yes, I'll be posting here as and when we play.

    2. Copy that. Looking for it any day now. :)
