Ominously, The Cat Leaped Out Of The Bag
I've been hinting about it for a while, but now the news is official. I'm contributing to an anthology of stories based on and around Martin Eden's excellent comic The O Men, to be released in October.
And, to be perfectly honest, I'm terrified.
I've had work published before. I drew a story for the first issue of The Girly Comic, which was well-received, but wasn't my best work. I've also contributed pieces to the odd fanzine here and there. So it's not the act of publishing that's got me all nervous. I think it's more to do with the fact that The O Men is a popular and relatively well-known title, and there are popular and relatively well-known people working on the other stories. The Girly Comic was new and untested, and had little to prove. If it had failed, no one would have batted an eyelid. That's not the case now, of course, as it's become a popular part of the British small press scene. Just like The O Men, in fact. Were I to return to the pages of The Girly Comic now, I might be similarly nervous.
So I'll try my best, and see what happens. Hopefully I won't embarrass myself.
Oh, and Liam will be pleased to know that the anthology is named after one of his favourite porn films...