Sunday, December 10, 2023

Mince Pie Fest 2023: Waitrose Essential

Waitrose! Let's see how the poshos get on.

I like a soft pastry for my mince pies but this is far too soft, even for me. The pie falls apart as it's being eaten and there's a chalky, powdery texture that is a bit... icky. These are pies that may be better left out for a day or two to go a bit stale and firm up.

Given the dodgy pastry it's a bit of a surprise then that the filling is quite flavourful, although it is a little bitter, and the quantity is on the stingy side.

Not quite so Essential after all. 2 out of 5. #MincePieFest2023 #MincePieADay

1 comment:

  1. Man, when it might be best for the pie to get stale before you eat it, that's not good. Although I guess it would match the "wait" part of the name, if not the "essential" or the "rose".
