Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Mince Pie Fest 2024: Tesco Merry

The pastry is firmish, but not unpleasantly so, and isn't as sweet as that highly visible sugar suggests. Meanwhile, the filling hits you round the chops with a big old knockout punch of fruity, tangy flavour and doesn't let go. Tasty! Another good, cheapish (£1.25) pie. Merry indeed. 4 out of 5. #MincePieADay #MincePieFest2024


  1. The pie on the box has a big thing of whipped cream on it. Obviously you abstain from such things for the scoring system, but outside this comparison study, do you ever put anything on your mince pies?

    1. An excellent question! No, for the most part, but on occasion I will warm up a pie, and have it with hot custard.
