Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Mince Pie Fest 2024: Jack's


It's not over!

We found these in a corner shop, but most corner shops are part of a chain these days, and this chain is basically Tesco-in-Disguise, so you should be able to find these across the UK. But would you want to? Read on, MacDuff.

The texture of the pastry is all wrong. It's too thin, too crispy, and too sweet, buuuuuuuut it tastes quite nice, like a (very) sweet biscuit. The flavour does rather overpower the filling, about which I can say nothing because I couldn't taste it at all. The only reason I know it exists is because I took a picture.

Not bad, but they don't really taste like mince pies. 2 as mince pies, 3 as a general sweet treat, so let's say 2.5 out of 5. #MincePieADay #MincePieFest2024

An Overdue Apology

First of all, I am not being compelled or forced to do this, at least not by any external agent. This is all about acknowledging my mistake.

When the allegations about Mandy and Zak first arose, I very quickly jumped on Google+ and made a vague and non-committal statement along the lines of "I was fooled and I am sorry." I don't remember the exact words, but maybe it's been screenshotted somewhere. That's the gist of it, anyway.

When challenged to specify what I meant, I prevaricated and said something like "I said what I said", and left it at that.

Looking back, I was trying to have it both ways, to signal my expected outrage while avoiding taking a side, at least overtly. More, in truth it was never really about showing support for Mandy, but rather to be seen to be on the "right" side. It was bandwagon-jumping, and I expect better of myself than that.

It was cowardly and wrong.

I always try to be fair and kind in life, and this was neither. And for that, I am sorry.