Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Revisitation

Following on from the role-playing games I have and haven't played, here are the games I've played but would very much like to play again before my body fails and my essence returns to the cosmos.

Or something.

13th Age - Probably my favourite version of "advanced" D&D. I think we still have much to explore with this game, not least a big old dungeon.

Barbarians of Lemuria - I enjoyed the last time I played this, only 13 years ago (!). I liked a few of the system mechanics and I also liked how the game captured the feel of pulp fantasy.

Cold City - Great fun. I would love to play this or its cousin Hot War again.

Dragonlance: The Fifth Age - The system is quite unlike anything else but I've only played it in short bursts; I'd like to give it a try for a longer term campaign to see how it goes.

Feng Shui - I'm not fully on board with the rules of the game, as I think they sort of get in the way of what they are trying to do, but I love the concept and setting, and I'd like to give it another try one day. Maybe with different rules?

Mutant Year Zero - It's a solid ruleset -- a descendant of which we played recently -- and I like the blend of base building and wilderness exploration, and how each feed into the other. I think my mistake when running it was in making things feel aimless and giving the impression that everything was randomly generated; if I ran it again I'd make more effort to highlight interesting locations and even perhaps create actual "missions" to give some added focus.

Pendragon - Just because it's Pendragon, and it's great, although I prefer a sort of loose picaresque wander about Mythic England as opposed to the Allegedly Great Pendragon Campaign, which really doesn't do much for me.

Rogue Trader - The ruleset is not the best but the setting has a great deal of potential; my previous attempt was more focussed on plot and story, and I wonder how a more freeform "space crawl" approach would go down.

Star Wars - The D6 variant. I played a fair bit of this in my teens and it was good fun, even if I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan. The expansion of the franchise in recent years has broadened the type of stories told on screen, and reminds me of the sort of off-piste adventures we had in the setting back in the dim and distant 1990s.

(Please! Where is Call of Cthulhu? Well, it gets played about once a year by my group so I don't feel the need to add it to the list. Just assume that I always want to play Call of Cthulhu Iä, fhtaghn, etc.)

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