Saturday, March 22, 2025

Overcompensating, Yes?

It's #DrawDeathsHeadDay 2025! The most freelance peacekeeping day of the year! And, coincidentally, Simon Furman's birthday too!

A skinny, angry-looking DH this year. Maybe he's short of cash.

Sketched in pencil, "inked" in Krita, and a bit experimental. I'm still trying to find my confidence and style, so I went for something loose and messy, in an attempt to not overthink things and let the picture develop.


  1. I love that! Maybe it's the looseness you speak of, but it reminds me a bit of Simon Bisley's comic book page work. (I don't know if you like or dislike getting those sort of comparisons. I probably do it every time and will forget your preference by the next time I do it anyway... ;)

    1. I'm always happy to be compared to Bisley! Wow!

  2. It looks like Death's Head has been rummaging through Cable's gun closet. Anyway, I really like this. Detailed without being stiff.

  3. I think that your definition of 'loose and messy' differs from my own. DeathHead looks beautiful, with clean and tightly defined line work and excellent inking that adds the right amount of depth and pop. Very nice.
