I've just read the collection of Blood Hunt, Marvel's recent vampire crossover event thing. It's not bad, although it seems to lose interest in itself about two thirds of the way through in favour of setting up the next crossover. It starts well though, and in pace and scale feels a lot like the first couple of years of The Authority, before that comic went a bit bad.
Not least because the Avengers have -- since 2023 -- been zipping about in this:
That's the Impossible City, a huge, um, city-sized space ship from another dimension. Possibly sapient, but with its memory and history erased, and with a distinctive teleportation ability, with which it opens "doors" to locations the Avengers need to access to do Avengering.
That's the Carrier, a huge city-sized space ship from another dimension. Possibly sapient, but with its memory and history erased, and with a distinctive teleportation ability, with which it opens "doors" to locations the Authority needs to access to do cynical posturing and widescreen property damage.
Interesting...reminds me of the Sorceress of Zoom, a Golden Age (and now public domain) character whose floating city (that would be Zoom) seems to appear wherever it needs to for her (and her monstrous followers) to do...well, not avengering, and somewhat related to property damage, but probably more like pillaging...