Monday, November 22, 2021

Mince Pie Fest 2021: Plant Pioneers (Sainsbury's in Disguise)

I found these hidden in the corner of a bottom shelf of the bakery section at Sainsbos, almost as if they were ashamed.

It seems that the more specific the dietary requirement, the more Wrong the food tastes; anyone who's had vegan "cheese" knows what I mean. But these are not bad!

I'll go further and say that they are almost very good, but there are a few let-downs. First of all, they are a bit small, but it's not a huge surprise to pay more for less if you're going gluten-free or vegan. Doesn't make it okay, but it's not a shock. The pastry has a nice soft crumble to it, but is a bit bland, which they have tried to cover with about six tons of granulated sugar, so it feels like you're chewing on a mouthful of sweet gravel.

On the plus side, the filling is rich and fruity and full of lovely flavour, with no bitterness or nasty aftertaste, and not too sweet either. It's so good that these would be top-tier pies were it not for the disappointing pastry. 3.5 out of 5.

(These do contain palm oil, so there's an argument that they are not vegan after all, but I'll let the vegans in the audience decide on that.)

#mincetagram #MincePieADay #MincePieFest2021


  1. That pastry does look a bit dry. Like a biscuit maybe?

    But I like the idea of "grown delicious", in the sense that you could grow mince pies in ones garden. Mince pines?

    1. They are a bit shortbready. The texture is fine, but there's not a lot of taste.
