Thursday, November 17, 2022

Mince Pie Fest 2022: Greggs

Ah, Greggs, the titan of the British high street! I don't tend to review "fresh" mince pies, but I was in the area anyway so...

The pastry has little taste, and what there is, is of cardboard, but it does have a pleasant firm texture with a bit of crumble.

Unlike many pies, there's no hint of alcohol to this one -- insert joke about the working classes and alcohol dependency here, if you're a bastard -- but it's still very tasty; it's rich and tangy and full of fruity flavour, and to be honest, you don't miss the booze.

Shame about the pastry though. 3.5 out of 5.

#MincePieFest2022 #MincePieADay #mincetagram


  1. How full do you feel if you eat the entire box of pies at once (on average)? Or, if you're only eating one, how filling is that?

    I guess it probably varies, depending on the amount of crust and how stingy they are with the filling, but I'm curious.

    1. They are not very big, or very filling. One is a snack, probably equivalent to a thick cookie, about 200-250 calories if you count that way.

      Guilt tends to kick in if I have two at once, but I imagine I could physically have a whole box without feeling too full.
