Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mince Pie Fest 2022: Holly Lane (Aldi in Disguise)

The pastry has a nice texture but is a bit dry, chalky even, and there is a lot of sugar on top. "A light dusting" my foot! The filling is not unpleasant, but lacks a strong and distinctive flavour and fails to overcome the sweetness of all that sugar.

These remind me of the Tesco pies from day one. Not bad, not great, perfect for an office party or a festive funeral.

These pies are 66p cheaper than their "special" cousins, and a whole 0.5 better. You do the maths. (I don't know what that means.)

3 out of 5.

#MincePieFest2022 #MincePieADay #mincetagram

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